Its Been a while.
It has been a while since updating the website, however I am putting up this cover of In a Big Country as I have been finding it really hard to put this into words what this song means to me. I recorded it a number of years ago for my dear friend Tony Butler who was going through a difficult time. I recently decided to revisit the song, even though I have new tracks recorded as unfortunately I have not been well enough to complete the vocals. About 6 months ago I was diagnosed with Alopecia where I lost a significant and extreamly noticeable amount of my lovely long locks. Admittedly, I have been to a very dark place but am resurfacing out the other side. So, in the poignant words of Stuart Adamson "Pull up your head off the floor and come up screaming". That is exactly what I have been trying to do each day. For all of you that are reading this and are dealing with your own battles, this one is for you!
"Im not expecting to grow flowers in the desert, but I can live and breathe and see the sun in winter time"
Please share Love Becky XX